See more of Gordon’s work on his Harrow Open Studio’s page here. Contact Gordon by email gordon.cookson1@btinternet.com or phone 020 8567 7548
I am a woodturner making decorative and functional pieces. I particularly enjoy the challenge of making one-off items either from builders’ offcuts or unusually shaped wood, especially those with wild grain patterns. The wood is mainly from trees, which have fallen naturally or have been taken down because they have grown too big for their surroundings.
Recently I started making dishes with straight and curved grooves on the top surface, which I have developed into different designs.
I show my work at exhibitions organised by the Middlesex Club, Harrow Open Studios, BEAT (Borough of Ealing Art Trail) and by appointment at my home in Ealing. I also accept commissions. You can see pictures of my work are on my various clubs’ websites.
I give small public demonstrations at the Middlesex Club’s exhibitions. I really enjoy getting the spectators involved in designing the piece, which they often take home after giving a donation to Harrow Gateway, the club’s charity.
I have led critique discussions of a wide variety of turned items for the Middlesex and Cheam Clubs. I am happy to do this for other clubs too.
I have been the subject of four films by trainee documentary directors for the BBC Academy, and as an observer at the North London Group’s excellent AWGB Demonstrator Training Day.
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