with Cheryl Gould MRSS
Our intensive drawing the figure day at the Harrow Art Centre will feature a long pose in the afternoon and will offer you the freedom to pursue your own practice with guidance from Cheryl, or you may decide on your own approach – drawing in your chosen medium, which will allow you the creative freedom to work on several studies or a more sustained composition. Cheryl will focus on one to one tuition,as needed, and lead the group through the day with group feedback at the end of the session.
We hope you will join us for a very special day of creativity with this fantastic model -Adrian Gillan ,one of the most sought after art models on the London and UK art scene -often posing for The British Museum, The Royal Academy, many Art establishments: favoured internationally for classes online..He is respected by Tutors and Artists for his ability to create truly inspirational poses.
N.B Spaces are limited- booked on a first come first served basis .see flyer for details.
iWorkshop day ;Friday 31st January 12noon -4.00 pm
For more information and booking:
E: cherylgouldartist@gmail.comwww.cheryl-gould.com
@artizlifedrawing @artistcherylgould FB Life Drawing with Cheryl