As an elected member of the Royal Society of Sculptors I continue my passion for working with the human form as a starting point for most of my creative output. Materials include found objects, ceramics, bronze, glass, and prints. I work in my garden studio.
My drawings are the threads that weave my ideas together; I draw constantly to express my ideas so that life can be breathed into my sculpture. Themes reflect my interest in athletics, dance, theatre, masks, myths and magic. Size of drawings and sculpture varies from hand held to life size. I enjoy pushing boundaries within my work.
I exhibit widely on a regular basis. I have work in public and private collections and invite commissions. My 5ft Holocaust Memorial for Edgware Synagogue was my first public sculpture commission.
I enjoy managing projects involving my local Community: I am a Founder member of Harrow Open Studios and am currently President of The Harrow Art Society.
As a longstanding experienced Tutor for life drawing at the Harrow Art Centre I have had access to wonderful models over the years who now collaborate with me via Zoom for my new live online life classes since Lockdown. You can find out more about these on the dedicated Facebook page here: @artistcherylgould.
For more information about Cheryl click here to look at her Harrow Open Studios’ artist page.
You can contact Cheryl here:
W: www.cheryl-gould.com
E: cherylgouldartist@gmail.com
F: @cheryl.gould2
I: @artistcherylgould
T: @cherylgouldart

Artist of the Week: Cheryl Gould MRSS Read More »